Coronavirus | Oscar Ugarte: “The Eris variant causes very mild symptoms”

Former health minister Oscar Ugarte insists Eris variant is a Omni subvariant Although he clarified that the virus has not been detected in Peru, it has spread to about 50 countries.

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Óscar Ugarte urged the population not to be afraid of vaccines, given doses that have been proven to protect against COVID-19. | Source: RPP

Former health minister Oscar Ugarte pointed out on Wednesday that the symptoms of the Eris variant of Covid-19 were “mild” but could cause “severe symptoms” and he advised the public to get vaccinated.

During an interview on the show News development, Oscar Ugarte He insisted that EG.5, known as Eris, is a subvariant of Omicrón that has spread in about 50 countries, but clarified that the virus had not yet been detected in Peru.

Furthermore, the former minister said the World Health Organization (WHO) categorized variants of the virus into categories of “interest” and “concern” Coronavirus diseaseEG.5 in the first one.

“Although it has appeared in less than 50 countries, the symptoms are mild, like the common cold. So, for World Health Organization It’s not something to be alarmed about, it’s an emergency, but we have to keep watching,” he said.

Oscar Ugarte, former Minister of Health | Source: RPP

“Vaccine, the best defense”

However, Oscar Ugarte Like the flu, the variant can have “severe consequences,” explained.

“The effects can lead to pneumonia and death. Therefore, vaccination is still the best defense. That’s why everyone should complete the four-dose schedule as well as the bivalent vaccine, which has the advantage of combining the traditional vaccine with the first dose. Variant of vaccine. Coronavirus disease And Omicron“, explain.

also, Oscar Ugarte He urged the public not to be afraid of vaccines, because investigations at all levels have proved that doses of vaccines are protective and have minimal side effects.

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