Cuban hepatitis B vaccine works well

The fact that the hepatitis B immunogen has been used in South Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Philippines, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, and Hong Kong and has had a positive effect on the subjects treated has earned it their approval. respective regulatory agencies.

In 80% of people, the amount of virus in the blood was significantly reduced to less than 10,000 per milliliter.

This means that, while patients are still infected, they are at reduced risk of complications such as fibrosis, which can end up in cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Even five years after vaccination, 80% maintained a controlled viral load, while 50% had an undetectable viral load.

HeberNasvac, in partnership with French company Abivax, was recognized for its effectiveness in treating hepatitis B at the annual meeting of the American Society of Liver Diseases.

The regimen of this immunogen in Cuba is nasal administration, combined with the subcutaneous route, which is not only effective, but also highly safe, with very few adverse reactions. The administration cycle is 5 months, which is much shorter than that of interferon. The drug cycle is 5 months. years and antiviral drugs, which are necessary for life.

The decline in the incidence of hepatitis B in Cuba means it is not considered a health problem, and the largest country in the Antilles wants to eliminate it completely by 2030, in line with the World Health Organization’s aspirations.

According to medical literature, hepatitis is an infection that causes acute inflammation of the liver.

There are five different viruses, each cataloged with a letter of the alphabet, and the farther away from A the greater the risk it poses.

In most cases, liver inflammation occurs suddenly and lasts only a few weeks.

The most common way to get the disease is by inserting an object contaminated with the blood of a person infected with the virus.

These incidents usually occur in people who have tattoos, piercings, multiple sexual partners, or share needles to inject drugs.

According to the World Health Organization, 57% of cases of cirrhosis and 78% of cases of primary liver cancer are caused by the hepatitis B and C viruses.


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