Hepatitis A: How to get it, what are the symptoms, and what to do if you get it

director of epidemiology Mexico City Health Minister Jesús Trujillospeaking of more than 600 cases of hepatitis A Registered in the capital of the republic so far this year.He explained that it was Inflammation of the liver This can be caused by bacteria or viruses.

interviewing H Report by Blanca Becerril of Herald Media GroupExperts assure that it is crucial to know how to detect how the disease develops, and in addition, if not treated early and effectively, it can lead to cirrhosis, a condition that will lead to cirrhosis of the liver. become chronic.

Jesús Trujillo recalled that the disease was preventable and steps could be taken to avoid infection, such as:

1.- avoiding contaminated food or water. The most common cases occur with businesses on public roads.

2.- Do not consume the product in places with poor sanitation.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis A?
Photo: Mexican Herald

What are the symptoms of hepatitis A?

The Mexican epidemiologist explained that when a person has hepatitis A, there are different symptoms and asked to see a doctor immediately when one of the symptoms appeared to get the necessary attention. These are the most important:

1.- The white part of our eyes turns yellowish.

2.- The urine has a more yellowish tinge than normal.

3.- The feces become transparent, light brown in color, like brown paper.

4.- Another symptom that may occur is fatigue, so you must be careful not to attribute it to other causes.

Today is World Hepatitis Day.
Photo: FreePik

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