How to Make Being Alone Happy With These 10 Expert Tips

We often come across people who tell us “I’m nice to be alone”, “I like being alone, I always do what I want to do”, but there are others, if you’re reading this, maybe You are one of them. , For them, loneliness is a challenge.

More and more people in our society are feeling lonely. According to the European Union, more than 5 million Spaniards are habitually lonely, and the number is growing. Loneliness has been called the epidemic of the 21st century and countries like the UK have taken it so seriously that a department has been set up to deal with it.

However, there are different ways to better cope with these feelings. There are different types of these keys, more actions you can take in the short term, and others that require slower payoffs, but almost all of them are related to building a better relationship with yourself.

Tips for Stop Feeling Alone in the Short Term

1. Avoid comparing yourself to others

While easier said than done, avoiding comparing your life to those around you will make you feel better about your life.

Stepping away or reducing the time we spend on social networks and cell phones can help us a lot in this regard. Often, people just present an unreal version of their lives online, appearing to be much happier than they really are, and if we compare ourselves to them, we always fail.

You don’t have to suddenly go off the internet as this may increase your loneliness, do a 24 or 48 hour test and see how you feel. If your situation is better, maybe you should limit your social time to 15-20 minutes a day.

2. Allow yourself to be bored

Today, we are surrounded by stimuli that demand our attention without leaving us time to be with ourselves. But our brains need that time. Letting our minds fly is a way to relax and process our feelings.

Look out the window for five minutes, go for a walk, don’t listen to music or podcasts, just pay attention to what’s around you. Let your thoughts wander aimlessly and see where they take you.

3. Take care

Mature man preparing healthy meal on kitchen counter

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For example, just because there is no one you can go to a restaurant with, doesn’t mean you can’t go to a restaurant. You can go on a “date” with yourself. True, it might feel a little weird at first, but as you do, you’ll quickly realize that you’re not the only one in the movie theater alone.

You can also stay home but spend the afternoon cooking a delicious dinner. Set the table, use cloth napkins and even why not some candles? Of course, you deserve it.

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4. Exercise and get in touch with nature

Exercise is a great way to generate endorphins, the hormones that make you feel better. Plus, the gym is a great place to meet friends who share common interests.

It’s also a good idea to get in touch with nature. Although it may seem cliché, the benefits of being in contact with nature are real. Research shows that spending 30 minutes in a natural space can improve symptoms of depression and lower blood pressure.

5. Recognize and enjoy the benefits of being alone

Sometimes, some of our problems are just a matter of our focus. Instead of dwelling on how lonely it is to be at home, why not think about all the advantages it has?

Living alone gives you a lot of physical and mental space, so make the most of it.For example, you can use all the available space in your home to create a studio where you can practice new methods Hobby.

If you find it hard to see the benefits of being alone, sit down and reflect in writing on all the benefits of being alone and all the benefits it has brought to your life.

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Tips to fight loneliness in the long run

6. Review your daily life

Over time, even the healthiest habits can turn into boring routines that don’t make you feel good about life. So take some time to review everything you do and the space around you and decide what you want to change.

It could be changing the furniture, changing the color of the walls, finding a new cafeteria for breakfast, or finally signing up for that class you’ve been considering.

old man painting design on wall at home

Klaus Wadefelt//Getty Images

7. Cultivate your social connections

Even if you already feel fine on your own, social connections are still important. From time to time, plan to visit family, meet friends you haven’t seen in a long time, tell them about new changes you’ve introduced in your life, or join a project that comes up among colleagues.

Maybe you feel better when you’re alone, which helps you connect with others more easily than before.

8. Take care of your health

Mental health affects physical health and vice versa, so taking care of yourself can greatly improve your mood. Try to eat a balanced diet, exercise and sleep for at least eight hours.

9. Plan your future

Sometimes people who live alone don’t have the same drive to move forward as people who live with a partner, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Ask yourself, where do you want your career to be in 5 or 10 years? What about individuals? Writing down your goals and reviewing them every six to twelve months can make you feel more motivated and optimistic about the future.

10. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Even if you feel lonely, chances are you’re not alone. So if you feel that loneliness is overpowering you, talk to those around you, your family, friends and ask them for help.

You can also see a mental health professional who will help you improve your symptoms and live a fuller, more peaceful life.

Avatar of Juanjo Villalba

Juanjo is an expert on culture and lifestyle, with a particular focus on the impact of the Internet and social networks on our society and world. As such, their themes often also have a lot to do with movies, serials, psychology, relationships and sex.

Although he is also closely associated with literary journalism, reviewing all the editorial news each week and selecting the ones that are likely to be of most interest to readers, there is no viral trend or challenge in the web that he ignores.

A keen interviewer, he enjoys talking and connecting with people, and he has a natural curiosity to learn from the experiences and perspectives of others, whether writers, psychologists or anyone with a story to tell.

Juanjo is a graduate in International Economics, although from the early days of his career, due to his personal career, he devoted himself to communication and journalism, which has become his profession over the years.

Juanjo, who has written for more than 15 years in different media, was the editorial director of Vice España, coordinating all of the magazine’s content production, from social network capsules to documentaries about our country’s hidden urban subcultures. After Vice, he devoted himself to writing and his work has appeared in El País, El Periódico de España, ABC and Yorokobu, among others.

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