“I don’t know if I’ve gotten over it yet”: When Justin Bieber talked about meeting Selena Gomez 5 years after breaking up

Back in 2015, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber broke up, but they still had feelings for each other for quite some time. Selena once confessed her ongoing love for Justin, and it was very clear that she was the inspiration for his hits at the time, such as “Where RU Now”, “What Do You Mean” and “Sorry”. Here’s what Justin once said about Selena Gomez.

When Justin Bieber admitted that he had not yet forgotten Selena Gomez

During an interview with Access Hollywood in November 2015, Justin admitted that Selena Gomez was the inspiration for many of the songs on his new album, he said, “Probably three songs.” He even admitted that Selena was his “first true love.” But that’s not all; Justin Bieber opened up further, admitting that he may not be completely over Selena.

He said: “It was really hard. I don’t know if I coped with it.” He added: “I think I’m definitely in a different place and I think we’ve definitely grown apart.” However, Bieber admitted that while he moves on with his life, he will always cherish his love for Selena. “I love her and I want her to be amazing, but there are things that remind me of her.”

Justin also admitted that if he and Selena had met later, they might still be together. He mentioned writing a song called “If I Met You in 5 Years”, which was not included on the album. Justin described the song: “How true is this? How many people go through life and end up meeting someone and it feels so right, but it’s just not the right time? So many people can relate to that.”

Justin’s deep respect for Selena

As for their current relationship, Justin has made it clear that he will always reach out to Selena because they have deep respect for each other. He explained: “(She) is someone I love very much. I will never stop loving her. I will never stop checking on her. I don’t think that if you end the relationship you should stop it. unless it was super toxic and you guys didn’t hurt each other physically or mentally, we always respected each other and still respect each other.” He concluded: “I don’t know what will happen. I don’t know what will happen in the future, I think we both need to do some introspection and understand ourselves before we can just try to understand. each other”. It was the only interview in which Justin had the most honest and open discussion about his relationship with Selena ever.

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