If you’ve had COVID-19, the flu may affect you more this year

Most people have already turned this page epidemic. Specialist, no.each new wave of infections discover new aspects or confirm a degree of suspicion Coronavirus There is already one impact on our health.

The patient is ongoing coronavirus They are a permanent reminder that we still do not fully understand this virus and it may be years before we understand its impact.Several doctors warn that our Immune system may be compromised.

More serious ailments

The reason for this statement is statistical evidence Doctor is encountering.A TV station reported New Zealandwhere they finished winter in the southsending the first alarm signal:

We see middle-aged people with no medical history in the emergency room who have severe cases of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).Very strange“, related Dr. Gary Payindafrom the Northland Health Department.

What happened may have been a warning of what was to come.Just like every year we do influenza epidemic Messages reaching us from the other hemisphere.

That’s why some Western doctors echoed the message, including epidemiologist and former Harvard professor Eric Feigl-Ding: “what are they Mild RSV and influenza infections They are sending more and More people go to hospital After coronavirus.It’s not meant to scare people, but to provide data“.

It is suspected that the coronavirus may be behind this phenomenon.Likewise, there is growing evidence that COVID-19 transmission has increased Risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Coronavirus may be damaging our defenses

For Dr. Feigl-Ding, it is becoming increasingly clear that COVID-19 has caused compromised immune system “people”maybe long term”. For example, just as a coronavirus infection can lead to persistent COVID-19, the virus may also subvert defense systems in subtle ways. below detection threshold.

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