Incorporating walking techniques will help you lose weight quickly

Walk This is one of the most popular activities for those who want to give up a sedentary life and don’t have the time or inclination to go to the gym.

It is the choice of many people lose weight, There are countless benefits It does work but Only if a set of criteria are met.

Important variables when losing weight

It is important to remember that one of the main factors Variables for burning calories yes weight and speed Walk.At the same walking speed, a heavier person will reach Burn more calories.

Another factor to consider istime spent walking. A study on overweight women published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine showed that after walking every day for 6 months, they lost 10% of their weight, but They don’t lose weight until they take more than 30 minutes a day Another study from South Korea’s Sungkyunkwan University found walking can help you lose weight Up to 2.7 kg Walk 3 times a week, 50 to 70 minutes each time three months period.

Tips for walking to lose weight

For better results, it is recommended Combine exercise with a low-calorie diet, Strategies that can help you fail Lose 7kg in 12 weeks It is also very beneficial for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

The problem may be that for many people Walking straight for 50 minutes a day can be very difficult However, this should not be an excuse as there is also an option to do so Two 25-minute intense walks each, as they lower 1.7 kg more.

Walking for 30 to 60 minutes a day is not only good for your body, it can also increase good cholesterol, reduce bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure and improved mood.turn out healthier heart And there is less chance of developing diabetes.

In order not to give up this habit in a short period of time, it is recommended that Start with 15 minutes a day Increase your weekly time at a comfortable pace 10 to 15 minutes apartuntil reaching one hour per day.

Walking 50 minutes a day can help you lose weight Pixel analyzer

From here, increasing time and intensity is a personal choice. When you lose weight, you have to go faster and choose more difficult terrain. Walking with weights in hand increases intensity and results in more weight loss.

Tips to avoid giving up your walking habit

In addition to everything pointed out above, there are some Skill Steps we can take:

  • change route from time to time. This will prevent us from getting bored so easily and allow us to walk at a good pace by maintaining higher motivation.
  • Divide your walking time into two parts (two walks of at least 30 minutes each).

  • Walking with you. Having a partner will help us fail less because we will be more invested in the training.
  • Listen to music or read a book. The experience will be better if you make your walks dynamic, and you’ll be entertained and learn something new.
  • Treat yourself to this activity (new sneakers, t-shirts, etc.). Another way to increase motivation is to buy event clothes or some of our favorite sneakers.

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