Ines Sainz and a joke that could cost her dearly in the NFL

February 1, 2011: Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco speaks with Mexican sports reporter Ines Se during Super Bowl XLV media day at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas Chat with Ines Sainz.

At Super Bowl XLV in 2011, Inés Sainz interviewed wide receiver Chad Ochocinco of the Cincinnati Bengals (Photo: Getty Images).

Ines Sainz In all the coverage she received, she proved to be one of the most capable and intelligent sports reporters.

In addition to participating in major events such as the World Cup, Olympic Games or NFL, Tennis Masters, Champions League, Dakar Rally, top races, etc., she is also one of the resident analysts of the program. Characters From Azteca TV, which is essentially the station where he was forged, for which he has been interviewed by the elite of the sport: Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Gennaro Gattuso, Ca Card, Zinedine Zidane and more.

She made a name for herself in a male-dominated environment. when one of them challenges her to risk a fight against one of the players top For all the world, his answer was no: “Do you know how much time my credibility has cost me?” he argued.

Sainz has been called “the woman of Mexican sports” and there’s no doubt about it. Ines participated in soccer, football, basketball, horseback riding and other activities with her three brothers, and was a member of these teams at school, including the track and field team. “In high school, I started to notice that consumer sports was a very important thing and it filled my life, but I started to realize, where are the women?“I debate with my brother and I talk to my brother’s friends because I have my opinions,” but I don’t see, live with, and share that passion with other women, she said on the podcast said in Maker.

He shared this anecdote again with Jorge van Rankin on his YouTube channel. Also, how at the age of 21, from his hometown of Queretaro, he appeared on Azteca TV, the company’s highest sports authority at the time, Jose Ramon Fernandez, Tell her it’s time for women to take center stage and have a place in sports.

Josela soon gave him a test. He asked for time. He didn’t wait long. A month later, Ajusco TV signed the NFL broadcast rights. One of the conditions was to interact with young viewers. “They asked for a man and a woman, but they didn’t have the other woman. From that moment on, I started to realize that I loved television and I loved sports,” he said.

In 2002, he successfully established the first large-scale platform Depor team tips Within the framework of the World Cup in Korea and Japan, other great opportunities began to appear for Peyton Manning, Kobe Bryant, Tom Brady, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal.

But before interviewing these MVPs, Fernandez tried to dissuade her because, according to experienced communicators, the Mexican market was not interesting for these figures. I was wrong.

Not only Josella, but Ines’s father also opposed his daughter following her dreams because of the dangers of the profession, such as harassment from players or other men.

To be fair, Inés has an athletic and attractive physique that has made her a model and face for companies such as Telcel, Corona, Splenda, Scotian Bank, Providencia, Quaker State, Jumex Sport, Kellog’s, Gillette, and Tiburones Rojos. From places like Veracruz.

In 2011, she was selected by the magazine gentleman As one of the five sexiest women on earth, she was named Fed Cup muse in 2013 and also received offers from magazines. playboy She declined in good faith because she felt her moral and professional values ​​were inconsistent with the request.

However, this did not save her from being involved in two controversial incidents: the first was when her former teammate Inés Gómez Mont had the courage to speak at Media Day 2008 Dressing up as a bride to propose to Brady, the NFL wasn’t kidding about it. Like… At the 2016 Augusta Masters, she received calls for attention to a seemingly trivial detail: the riders were wearing jeans, which was allegedly not allowed.

The last one was Super Bowl LIII starring Facundo and, coincidentally, Tom Brady was involved again.

“It was a challenge between the two of us because we were going with Azteca and he told me ‘Hey Ines, are you here to compete in some games? This one and the other one, whoever wins Will all be punished and so on?’ She agreed. “Suddenly he told me “One of the punishments I can think of for you is that you sang a song to Tom Brady during a press conference with him” he told Van Rankin.

“I told him no, do you know what it costs me to lose my credibility in the world to stand up and do something like this? Even if it was a punishment, I wouldn’t do it.”he responded to his partner.

Ines is saved, but Facundo does not give up his joke, it is he who makes it happen, he appears in front of the audience. quarterback A New England Patriots player held a small guitar and sang “We Are the Champions.” Brady was shocked, and the media present couldn’t believe it, but the NFL was not.

“They banned him from the NFL, he couldn’t even go, imagine what would happen to me because I go to the Super Bowl, which is part of my job, and the NFL would ban me!” Sainz said.

A wise decision by Ines.

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