Interview with Graciela Diap…”At DNDi, our focus is on Hepatitis C”

July 28, 2023

What is the activity of DNDi in relation to hepatitis?

exist DNDi Our focus is on hepatitis C

Are there preventative measures for hepatitis C? which one?

There is no effective vaccine for hepatitis C, so prevention depends on reducing the risk of exposure to the virus in healthcare settings and high-risk populations. This includes people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men, especially those living with HIV or receiving HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis.

WHO recommends the following primary prevention interventions:

  • health workers administer injections correctly and safely;
  • safe handling and disposal of waste and sharps;
  • provide comprehensive harm reduction services for people who inject drugs;
  • testing for hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus (as well as HIV and syphilis bacteria) in blood donations;
  • train health personnel; and
  • Prevent contact with blood during sexual intercourse.

What measures are being taken to meet the 2030 eradication challenge?

At the global level, the World Health Organization World Assembly endorsed an elimination strategy (more info)

Despite the existence of excellent tools for diagnosis and treatment, real progress in eliminating hepatitis has been very slow.

Hepatitis C mortality has decreased since 2019 due to a 10-fold increase in hepatitis C treatment compared to the strategy baseline.However, it is estimated 78.6% of HCV infections remain undiagnosed.

Based on these new estimates, a new global strategy for 2022–2030 should be implemented to scale up detection and treatment of viral hepatitis.More information

Graciela Diap is a physician, internal medicine specialist and has been with DNDi since 2005. GD is currently the benchmark for DNDi hepatitis C access issues and has previously played a similar role in malaria-related matters. Prior to joining DNDi, Graciela worked for Doctors Without Borders from 1991 to 2005 in various positions as Field Doctor (Mozambique, Yemen, Afghanistan and former Yugoslavia); as Project Manager (Tanzania, Rwanda, Central African Republic, Assistant Medical Director for the former Yugoslavia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Palestine, Kosovo, Mauritania, Morocco and Spain) and the Access to Essential Medicines campaign of Médecins Sans Frontières.

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