It’s been 17 years since Alfredo Stroessner’s death

former president of paraguay Alfredo Stroessnerhe established in his own country Longest dictatorship (1954-1989) One of South America’s bloodiest men dies from Died in Brasilia on August 16, 2006 at the age of 93where he took refuge 17 years ago.

It turned out to be because of a septicemia continuous to pneumonia He got an infection after the operation inguinal hernia The death occurred at St. Lucia Hospital about three weeks ago.

eve of stroesner’s death weighs 45 kg.In recent years – after experiencing skin cancerAccording to his relatives, he lived in seclusion in a mansion by the lake in Brasília, accompanied by one of his sons, Colonel Gustavo Stroessner (dismissed from the army).

On February 2, 1989, after ruling Paraguay for more than 10 years, it was overthrown by a military coup. 34-year-old accused of causing disappearance or death of thousands of protestersStroessner had to travel to Brazil to seek asylum after being imprisoned at a Paraguayan military facility for several days.

In 2003, the Brazilian government petitioned Brazil to extradite Stroessner to hold the soldier accountable for human rights abuses committed during his regime, but was never successful.

“Blonde”As his followers nickname him, he is the longest-serving president in the Latin American country since Fidel Castro.

have Born November 3, 1912 in Encarnacion, son of Hugo Stroessner (German from Bavaria) and Heriberta Matiauda of Paraguay. In 1929, he enrolled as a cadet and served as fighter in Chaco War Between Paraguay and Bolivia (1932-1935).

Since his marriage to Eligia Mora, a humble schoolteacher who died in Asunción in February 2006, he has three children: Gustavo, Graciela Concepcion and Hugo Alfredo.

As Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, On May 4, 1954, he took power after overthrowing the civilian president Federico. chavez. To save face, he appointed Tomás Romero Pereira as interim president for a three-month term. Officially took over on August 15 of that year.

He was re-elected in 1958 and thereafter renewed every five years: 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978 and 1983, with few observances of apparent formality.Stroessner organizes a party at Colorado exercise Peasant class masses poorwhich gave him social support.

It began to erode when the opening of democracy in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay began to suffocate Stroessner’s long presidency. The February 1989 coup – led by his own in-law Andrés Rodriguez – This is a sign that the United States, his traditional ally, has let go of his hand.

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