natural beauty triumphs on social networks

Selena Gomez is the champion of natural beauty and has given yet another proof on social media. In the last few hours she has returned to posing without make-up, proudly revealing her appearance in her soap and water.

For several years, the craze most loved by stars has been to post their selfies without makeup on social networks, so as to demonstrate that one’s beauty remains unchanged even when one is “natural”. If in the past celebrities preferred to appear in public only when perfectly prepared, now things have changed and there are many who proudly let themselves be immortalized in soap and water version. The last one to have done it was Selena Gomezwho silenced the criticisms and offenses of the haters with a selfie without make-up, without filters and without artifice.

The natural beauty of Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has often been targeted on social media, the haters have accused her of having obviously gained weight, forgetting that since she made her debut in the show to today she has not only grown up, but has also found herself facing delicate problems of Health. The meanest of her have pitted her against her “historical enemy” Hailey Bieber but she has managed to take her revenge and come out “winner” over everyone. How did she do it? Showing her true nature and not being afraid to show her genuine soul that sets her apart. She is not afraid to share her emotions about her, her mental health struggles, her little physical imperfections and that is why she is loved by the public.

Selena Gomez without makeup

Selena Gomez without makeup

Selena Gomez looks natural

A few days ago Selena Gomez followed the trend of selfies without make-up and immediately became a champion of “normal” beauty, so much so that the post got millions of likes in just a few hours. Visible skin imperfections, unkempt hair, “homemade” outfit: the pop star isn’t afraid to show herself natural, on the contrary, she does it on purpose, so as to demonstrate the fact that even international celebrities experience the same hardships as “ordinary” people “. In short, times are changing: no more filters and photo editing, to be trendy on social media you need to leave room for natural beauty like Selena did.

Selena Gomez’s makeup-free selfie is the normalcy we (desperately) need

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