Pop star Bebe Rexha was hit on the head by a phone during her concert in New York on Saturday. The singer received three stitches, but has not commented on the incident.
pop star baby rexa She was escorted off stage where she was performing after being thrown by a fan in New York on Saturday telephone who hit him on the head. The artist fell to the ground after reaching the object, as can be clearly seen in a video that was also posted on social media, and was quickly carried away by his behind-the-scenes team so that they could To make sure no harm was done.
Onstage accident for Bebe Rexha
Bebe Rexha was escorted by security with her hands folded over her face to cover the area where she was violently hit by the phone thrown on the stage and which actually put her at risk of injury, followed by bystanders. shouting, defined “an assault”. A man was dragged away by police, identified as the man who threw the phone at the singer. According to the site Pop Base, Rexha was treated immediately and received three stitches. Lage, looks like he’s fine now. In some of the comments on Twitter, fans recalled the incident saying they were upset by the incident that ruined the beautiful performance up to that point. Meanwhile, Pop The star did not comment on what happened, on the contrary, she wrote on Instagram that she is happy because this is the best tour in her life.
This would be an oft-repeated practice that saw fans intent on throwing objects on stage during their favorite singers’ performances. Throwing the phone would be intended for the artist to pick it up to take a picture of himself. This also happened to Harry Styles, who was thrown a cell phone, which the pop star used to call friends of the owner listed in his address book.