Seasonal allergies: what are they and how to avoid them? – Digital CNC

Allergies are the body’s overreaction to substances it considers foreign and harmful, causing a characteristic set of symptoms called an “anaphylaxis.”

In the presence of foreign substances, the body produces antibodies that release histamine, causing allergy symptoms. These reactions may be limited to a small part of the body or affect the body throughout the body. “Allergies are caused by the sudden release of inflammatory mediators and are the primary cause of symptoms in patients,” said Dr. Valeria El Haj, national medical director of OSPEDYC.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 20% of the world’s population suffers from one or more allergies, and according to forecast data from the World Allergy Organization (WCO), it is believed that more than 400 million people worldwide currently suffer from allergies from some kind of allergy. Types of allergic diseases.

Major allergies and their symptoms

Allergies can cause many symptoms, but not everyone experiences them in the same way. Likewise, they can affect different parts of the body, such as the digestive system (intolerance to certain foods such as milk and eggs), respiratory system (due to the presence of mites, pollen or certain insect bites) and skin contact with substances that the body rejects as well. can be affected, which can lead to rashes, redness of the skin, and even some ulcers, which can lead to more serious complications if not treated properly.

The most worrisome allergic reactions are bronchospasm crisis, caused by inflammation of the small airways, and anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that affects the entire body and requires emergency medical care. “The most common ones are conjunctivitis, rhinitis and urticaria or dermatitis,” OSPEDYC professionals explain.

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the layer of clear tissue covering the eyelids becomes inflamed from contact with an allergic substance. Symptoms include itching, red eyes, watery or mucous discharge in the affected area, and discomfort.

Allergic rhinitis occurs when the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed and may be seasonal or persistent over time. Symptoms can appear soon after exposure to certain substances, such as pollen, dust, or mold, and include itching, watery eyes, and sneezing in the nose, mouth, or any part of the body, runny nose, headache, congestion, and nasal congestion.

Hives or dermatitis can affect the skin. These are reddish, raised, and often itchy welts that appear on the surface of the skin due to allergic reactions to certain foods and medications, or from contact with allergic substances, overexposure to cold or sunlight, etc.

“To know if a person is allergic to any substance, a series of tests are needed. Skin testing is the most common way to detect allergies, and laboratory tests (blood tests) are usually also required to determine IgE and eosinophil levels.” El Dr. Haj explains.

Tips to avoid allergies

Keep your home hygienic and reduce dust.

Use synthetic mattresses and bedding.

Susceptible people should avoid contact with plant and animal pollen and avoid contact with or use of known irritants or allergens.

Do not take medications without a doctor’s prescription.

If you suspect something in the environment is causing your allergy, try to avoid it or eliminate it entirely.

Have regular check-ups with your GP.

Avoid high-intensity exercise during pollination season, as this may cause serious respiratory problems for people with asthma.

For patients who are intolerant to certain foods, it may be necessary to change their diet and replace them with foods that do not pose a greater risk to their health.

“While steps can be taken to avoid allergies, it is always important to consult a health professional about the indications for treating such pathologies. The doctor can advise the patient and recommend the use of some medications containing corticosteroids or decongestants (antihistamines) medication to reduce congestion,” Dr. El Haj concluded.

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