Storm over Wa Gina food truck sign: “Disrespectful to women”

Cesena, August 30, 2023 – Defense sensitivity from feminine dignity in every field it is becoming more widespread in our society. For this reason, attitudes can easily arise that are still defined as “goliardic”, if not quite “innocent”. in criticism and condemnation.

This is the case with the poster tortelli festival From Click on my heart which caused a sea of ​​controversy over the use of the slogan “potatoes are in the middle‘ combined with photography Sharon Stone in the iconic cross-legged scene from Basic Instinct.

But there is something for recent case from Cesena. The association “Fidap Cesena Malatesta” is actually intervening in some recent news events “reported in the press that humiliate women by reducing their image to a mere sexual organ”. It is emphasized that in the case of reprehensible expressions, people often remain silent or submit the case to the category of “goliardates”. “

For example, he is referring to the Resto del Carlino restaurant on Sunday. two young entrepreneurs street food they dubbed their Food trucks (van)”Go Gina“. Without an apostrophe, it means not an exhortation, not “go!” They say they did it to give food travel idea. One of two things: either they don’t know Italian grammar, or they were looking for a double (?) meaning, “because the gyoza (the specialty they offer) – that’s their words – is addictive to taste.” However, on the same page, two other young entrepreneurs from Borga call their kitchen on four wheels “On the fly – enjoy life”. Beautiful, without prudence, without sexual overtones. Will they be less successful than Wah Jin? We wish them a long way to go and get the appreciation they deserve.”

Then Fidapa Chesena Malatesta returns. at the Premilcuore Festival and its advertising sign. “The fact that many women are collaborating at the festival as unskilled kitchen workers without any objection or calling it ‘fun’ means that education should be respected. it is not realized as a right of women themselvesemphasizes President Raffaella Candoli. – A young woman covered in chocolate at the center of a buffet in Sardinia, worthy of all: served on a serving tray. Fortunately, embarrassment and indignation came from a very young guest of the tourist village, a 14-year-old girl, who told her father about her discomfort.

Again, groups of young people, having turned into herds, force friends, classmates, in a word, even girls they know, to extort sexual acts and if the victim is sick, losing control of his will, what do you photograph to post on social networks? His private parts. We get a lot of likes. A girl is a person, not a part of the body, with sensitivity, feelings, dignity. From such male behavior, from psychological abuse to physical abuse, the step is very short. And, unfortunately, very practical. Therefore, it is important to educate feelings, sexuality, especially in boys, but also in girls, to be aware of the right to respect. Always”.

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