‘Honestly, it was very disappointing’: Charli XCX responds to backlash over collaboration with Sam Smith | Entertainment

‘Honestly, it was very disappointing’: Charli XCX responds to backlash over collaboration with Sam Smith |  Entertainment

Charli XCX praised Sam Smith for being able to “withstand” the hateful comments they have faced online since the pair announced their collaboration. The “Speed ​​Drive” hitmaker and “Unholy” star recently announced they were releasing “In The City” this week, and days before the track’s … Read more

Gizakiak eta gizaki ez Diren Horiek | Bisigiro

Gizakiak eta gizaki ez Diren Horiek |  Bisigiro

Frantsian gaishotasun bat zabalzen ari yes. Genetikoki aldaketak Ergiten dituen gaixotasun bat da, ez dakite nola zabaltzen den, Eta batzuei bakarrik Ergiten die. Gaixotasun horrek mutazioak dakartza, pertsonak gizakien et a Animalien arteko izaki bihurtzen dituzten mutazioak. Motel Aldaketa Horiek Hertazen Dira, eta Ezin Dira … Read more

Iraqaslin arazoaq | Culture | Berria

Iraqaslin arazoaq |  Culture |  Berria

“Serial Case” Zuzendarya: Thomas Lilty. Aktereak: Vincent Lacoste, Adele Exarchopoulos. Errialdea: France. Iraupena: 111 min. Bayonakoa da Pierre Etxebarria Irakaslea, and this support Miarritseko (Lapurdi) Hondartzan pasacea maite du. Bon vivant bat dela esan daiteke. Drink auto zaharrean best iraqasle batsuk tren geltokira gerturatsen ditu … Read more



“We” in the title of his new album “Dedicato a noi”, which will be released on Friday? In my first album, Non è tempo per noi, I used it to convey the feeling of leaving the game. Even today I feel out of fashion and … Read more

9Columns | From September 19 in cinemas for three days “Abba: The Movie

9Columns |  From September 19 in cinemas for three days “Abba: The Movie

Only on September 18, 19 and 20 will the biggest movie event for ABBA fans from all over Europe take place in cinemas: ABBA: The Movie – Fan Event. A meeting that offers an extraordinary immersive “sing-along” experience designed for cinemas: a crucial party for … Read more