The challenge of water scarcity in Lima: a call to action

In a twin challenge, Lima and Callao are grappling with the threat of climate change-induced water scarcity (Andina)

Water scarcity is a growing problem limeand the shocking statistics disclosed by the National Health Service Supervision Bureau (Sunas) reveals a worrying reality for thousands of families in the city. Currently, in Peru, 1.5 million people do not have access to water services, and to this we must add that at least 378,000 citizens do not have vital fluids.

Several factors are contributing to the exacerbation of water scarcity in the region.Climate change alters rainfall patterns and weather, to available water. Deforestation and vegetation loss also play a fundamental role, affecting the retention and regulation of water in the soil, reducing the recharge capacity of aquifers.Unplanned cities and population growth exacerbate water stress beyond capacity of water resources local supply.

In addition, water waste and pollution are also serious factors causing water pollution. water shortage. Lack of awareness and inappropriate practices regarding water use play a key role in this problem. In addition, pollution of rivers and water sources seriously affects their availability and quality, making water shortages even more difficult. The need for water to prevent disease is important for the prevention of: Coronavirus disease Or other diseases, its scarcity may increase other diseases such as respiratory infections, hepatitis A and cholera.

this Water Management in Lima facing major challenges. The lack of adequate infrastructure to efficiently store and distribute water is an obvious problem.Additionally, there is an urgent need to establish stricter regulations and controls to prevent overexploitation water resources And ensure long-term sustainable use.

to resolve and alleviate lack of water in lima, effective and sustainable measures must be taken.Integrated water management must be a priority, involving all relevant sectors, from local government and authorities to the general public. Water conservation and efficient use of water resources should be promoted in all areas and the adoption of cleaner and more environmentally friendly technologies should be encouraged.

In terms of economy, its scarcity will reduce the total national GDP by 2.22% and 1%, and the most affected industry is the manufacturing industry. drinking water (-21%), beverages (-4-4%), social services (-4-3%), steel industry (-3.9%), textiles (-3.85%). Also, if we talk about the economy, employment is also an important point, the index shows that about 35,000 people will lose their jobs.

this awareness and education Understanding the importance of water and its responsible use is crucial. Awareness campaigns targeting citizens can help reduce waste and encourage responsible water use practices on a daily basis.

In addition, it is necessary Investment in Water Conservancy Infrastructure, aimed at improving water collection, storage and distribution. This includes upgrading and properly maintaining supply systems to ensure consistent quality supply.

on the other hand, Aquatic Fund It will show that the areas most affected by water scarcity will be Atte, Lima (Sercado), Carabayo, San Juan de Lurigancho, Independence, Los Olivos, San Martin de Poré 70% of the total water consumption is concentrated in San Diego, Callao, La Molina, Santiago de Surco, Miraflores and San Isidro lima metropolitan area.

Water scarcity in Lima is a problem affecting thousands of people that requires urgent and coordinated action.he Climate change, deforestation, unplanned urban growth and lack of governance A number of factors are sufficient for this problem. However, through integrated and sustainable water management, responsible and conscious use by people and the implementation of adequate infrastructure, it is possible to meet this challenge and ensure an adequate and high-quality water supply for all residents of Lyme. We all have a responsibility and must act together to protect this vital resource for our cities’ present and future.

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