When Michael Jordan tried to cheat while playing cards with teammate’s elderly mom

Michael Jordan was known for his championship-like attitude. There’s a reason he’s called an NBA legend, and it’s because he loved winning.Jordan’s love for winning wasn’t limited to the NBA, but also reflected in other aspects of his life

Whether it’s doing business or playing cards with my teammate’s mother. In fact, Michael Jordan even cheated in a card game he played with his teammates’ mothers. Check out the details of the story below:

The time Michael Jordan chose to cheat in a card game

The story takes place during Michael Jordan’s college years at the University of North Carolina. ESPN This event was first recorded and published long ago. The storyline takes place before Michael Jordan became a star player. So the story goes like this. Michael had a teammate, Buzz Peterson. The NBA legend once visited Buzz Peterson’s home and played cards with Buzz’s mother.

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While Buzz Peterson’s mother went to the bathroom for a minute, Michael Jordan cheated with cards to try to win. Guess what, he did win that game. This shows how competitive Michael Jordan was even before he entered the NBA. Buzz Peterson shared the entire incident with ESPN reporter Chuck Klosterman, who came forward and published the story as a series called “Be Like Bode.”

Also read: ‘Never met Michael Jordan’: When Tupac Shakur criticized Michael Jordan for forgetting his roots

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