Widow accuses of murder near Xute Telecom – El Sol de Puebla

Teziutlán.- after male deathThe incident occurred on 9 August, allegedly due to pneumoniawhen he was confined to San Francisco Annexmunicipal government Huet Telecomhis widow, Erica Ordaz Rivera, rejected the above version, and assured his die that’s a kill,since Body proposed by her husband blunt force blows and fractureswhich is determined by the worker mortuarybecause just District Attorney’s Officenot practiced autopsy.

According to the above, Erica Ordaz Riverarest assured, her husband, named Roberto Martinez Salazaraged 37, died “Because of blows, broken bones, etc.”derived from the above attachment, which is why he would go to the District Attorney’s office and find out why he diethat is to say, the agency that is responsible for implementing the decommissioning corpse who will decide his die This is the alleged result pneumonia this will result in lung burst.

as described diagnosis Although no studies have been conducted to determine cause of deathwhich will be informed by staff mortuarybecause, just District Attorney’s Officerepresenting data and informationwill be omitted because the request legal helpin order to speed up process This will enable him to grant Christian burial.

Regarding the above, he said “The prosecution told me to wait for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I waited for 7 or 8 hours. They took care of me for 15 minutes and then 10 minutes. They made me very tired.”making sure the man showed a photo pneumonia,reason lungfollowed by natural deathwhile he exhibithad said die it’s for a strike respiratory system.

For this reason, during his tenure appearance Before the District Attorney’s Office, complainant mentioned that he suffered a lot Lock provided by staff, especially in explain happenings and various red tape They prevented him from coming and fired her husband’s body.

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