“Flowers” was the song of awareness, a catchphrase that later became a rebirth hymn for all independent women who don’t need a man to “buy flowers” or write their name in the sand. “Jaded” and “Muddy Feet”, two of the songs included in the new album by Miley Cyrus Endless Summer Vacation (out from March 10), instead the songs of revenge and regret can be easily considered. Not revenge, as the trend of the moment (led obviously by Shakira) want: they are melancholy songs about betrayal and breakup, again full of easter eggsso the artist’s fans claim, of his love story that ended with Liam Hemsworth and of all the relationships that, over the years, have hurt her, leaving her helpless and disheartened.
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“Muddy Feet” and the War on the Traitor
In the song, Miley Cyrus refers to a man who “smells like a perfume I didn’t buy” (“You smell like perfume that I didn’t purchase”), inviting him to come out of his ‘fucking house’ with his ‘muddy feet’ (the ‘muddy feet’ of the title). Cyrus has said more than once that she has not ended her relationship with ex-husband Liam Hemsworth because of his betrayals, but she never even denied having suffered them during their long love story. «You watered the weeds and killed all the roses» (“You watered the weeds and you killed all the roses”), continues the song, which is the track number 9 of Miley’s highly anticipated new album.
More than a revival song like “Flowers” was, “Muddy Feet” is a bittersweet tale.
“Jaded”, the moment of break-up songs
Another song that talks about breaking up, in an even more mature and suffered way than “Flowers” already did. In “Jaded,” Miley is aware that “we’re too old now, the bones too big to bury” (“We’re much older and the bone’s too big to bury”) and that, even if “it’s a shame it’s over”, many of the unfinished business are left in the air. “We went to hell and never came back,” she concludes, bitter. (“THEsn’t it a shame that it ended like that? Said goodbye forever, but you never unpacked. We went to hell, but we never came back”).
Once again, between the lines of this song, regret and sadness can be read for a story that ended badly, which still burns. According to Miley’s fans, it is impossible not to think of her relationship with Hemsworth, which culminated in a wedding that ended badly and began with ups and downs when both were very young. In this track the taste of regret is more marked: when Miley says: «I’m sorry you’re tired, I should have taken your place. Now you’re alone and I hate it” (“I’m sorry that you’re jaded, I could’ve taken you places, You’re lonely now and I hate it”)perhaps he is telling us much more than we believe about the end of his love story.
River, the video of the new single by Miley Cyrus
The new single taken from Endless Summer Vacation it is “River” instead. Here is the video.
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